Saturday 7 December 2013

Tips for Long term Success

Research has shown eating a on average 80% total daily calories from carbohydrate, 10% from protein and 10% from fat are the ideal requirements for our bodies. Fruit, veg, starches contain these percentages. (See books below)
This can be worked out on

Fuits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts and seeds are the ideal food for optimal health eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
It's recommended on average 2000 calories for women and 2500 calories for men per day. 

Avoid refined oils. These are 100% fat and tend to mask flavours, coat the digestive track, slow digestion, inhibit glucose absorption, and are easily replaced with water if frying veg.

Water is so important for brain function, concentration, maintaining energy levels, aiding digestion, and all metabolic processes. Especially when consuming cooked foods. Aim for clear colourless urine at least 8 times a day. I usually drink around 3 litres at room temp. Adding a drop of boiling water from the kettle and/ or a little lemon juice helps get it down. Aim for 1 litre before breakfast.

Salt should be avoided. It holds a lot of water retention due to its toxicity and its numerous damaging effects on the body. Replace with herbs, finely chopped celery or lemon juice to add extra flavour.

Food combining number 1 rule: avoid combining fruit with cooked food. Fruit digests much faster so it's always best to eat it first to avoid bloating.

Take your time eating meals, try using chop sticks to help slow you down. It is very important to drink smoothies slowly making sure each sip is mixed well in the mouth before swallowing, this allows it to start digesting and prevents stomach discomfort. Try to avoid drinking them with straws.

The only supplements I would recommend is B12 due to soil depletion unless you grow your own or buy organic veg (more info Click Here) and vitamin D if you are regularly indoors or rarely expose your skin to the sun. (More info coming soon)

Find a type of exercise you enjoy and do it consistently every day or a few times a week. I personally like to run, cycle, do squats, and do arm and leg exercises in the gym.

Sleep is your bodies chance to heal, recover and relax. Ideally when the sun goes down so should you, but aim for before midnight. 8 hours is recommended, but if you can get more take advantage of it, the more the merrier and the better you'll feel.

Work out your carb/protein/fat percentage and calorie intake at:

The key things to succeed on this lifestyle are: Wholefoods, Water, Exercise (find something you enjoy and be consistent) and Sleep.

More recipes and info- 
My YouTube channel:

Inspired by:
Dr. Douglas Graham author of 'The 80/10/10 Diet'
T.Colin Campbell author of 'The China Study'
Dr. John McDougall author of 'The Starch Solution'
Michael Greger - 

Disclaimer: Recommendations based on the books above as well as thriving living examples and personal experience. I am hopefully soon going to be studying to become a registered dietitian.

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